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Services    >    Laser 360

 Laser 360

Complete skin rejuvenation 

Achieve complete skin rejuvenation using 3 technologies in just 60 days with laser 360. If you’re not ready for a full facelift, but you’re no longer satisfied with the results of topical creams and options, Laser360 is for you. Laser360 treatments will improve your skin’s color, texture and tone. Consult with your doctor about optional additional treatments for surgical scare, acne pitting or sun damage on your chest or hands. Your doctor will combine the three different technologies into a treatments plan that is customized exclusively for you.

Skin resurfacing

Laser360 stimulates new collagen to grow, which improves your skin’s texture and tone to fight fine lines and wrinkles it works by creating thousand of microscopic-performations, but the skin around each of these perforamations remains intact. This allow the skin’s top layer to heal from the edge of these tiny holes very rapidly.

Skin tightening

Laser360 also firms up any loose skin around your eyes, nose and jaw so you regain a more youthful, contoured appearance. The skin tightening treatment uses near infrared light to create deep heating in your body, which facilities the skin’s remodeling.

Skin Color

And finally, Laser360 eliminates superficial pigmented and vascular marks, evens out your skin color and reduces tiny broken blood vessels. Combining all three technologies will leave you with fresher, smoothers, younger looking skin.

Safe and comfortable

Laser360 treatments are safe, comfortable and effective without injection, surgery or downtime. You can expect your skin to be somewhat flushed after the treatment similar to a mild sunburn. Any mild symptoms should subside in about 48 hours.